Medici University is a masterpiece of indeterminacy! A complex system embracing the chaos of life, the outcome of MU cannot be predicted, but only lived.
Medici University is a masterpiece of indeterminacy! A complex system embracing the chaos of life, the outcome of MU cannot be predicted, but only lived.
Medici University is home to 6 artist’s studio neighborhoods: 5 for the ordinary, and 1 for those with creativity & courage: The Maria Neighborhood.
In January I had a wonderful visit with Ama Ree, and now it’s time once more to meetup with my “friends list.” This month: “C & D” friends.
My cousin Teresa took me to an incredibly expensive dinner. It was great! But was it real? What makes something real? The cost? Or is perception reality?
Medici University Guiding Principles Part 1. The design of our campus. The influence of Jane Jacobs & Penny Patton. Next week, the design of our curriculum.