Building a Treadmill Desk
Treadmill Desks Part 2: Building a Treadmill Desk. Here are many examples of building a treadmill desk from very low cost to mid to high. Home or office.
Treadmill Desks Part 2: Building a Treadmill Desk. Here are many examples of building a treadmill desk from very low cost to mid to high. Home or office.
Ama Ree is the first person in my 2015 project to actually meetup with all of the 300+ “friends” on my SL “friends list.” It was great to finally meet!
If you work, play, or learn online, you’re probably sitting an unhealthy number of hours a day. Today: the why of Treadmill Desks; next week: the how.
Soto Hax has scripted Treadmills at Izzy’s Gym to report your activity to your WordPress blog! I met RMarie in Jan & in Sep she brought Soto to an Avatar Hangout. This week Soto made The Quantified Avatar possible!