Medici University Herculini Crater

Individual Event Images on Flickr
- VB 240 – Diaspora
- VB 241 – 13 Most Beautiful Avatars
- VB 242 – SLEA Mosaic
- VB 243 – The Big Chill
- VB 244 – February Rezdays
- VB 245 – Global Warming
Flash Fiction Island
Weekly Schedule
- Build: Monday – Thursday
- Write: Friday-Saturday
- Read: Sunday @ 10am SLT

Week 1 – Monday 4 January – Sunday 10 January 2021
- Shiny
- Usher Piers
- Captain Norton Lykin
- Fenella Allen
- Dee Lisdun
- Regi Yifu
- Little Effi & Blue Raven
- Ze Moo
- Trilby Minotaur
- Levi Ewing
- Veyot
- Blue Raven
- Dee Lisdun
Week 2 – 11-17 Jan
- Levi Ewing
- Beatrix (MBeatrix)
- Veyot
- Dave (Lord Junibalya)
- Dee Lisdun
- Trill Zapatero
- Dekka Raymaker
- Trilby Minotaur
- Meg (MargaretO)
- Little Effi
- Dee Lisdun
- Veyot
Week 3 – 18-24 Jan
- Levi Ewing
- Dee Lisdun
- Usher Piers
- Veyot
- Veyot
- Dee Lisdun
Week 4 – 25-31 Jan
- Levi Ewing
- MBeatrix
- Veyot
- Meg (MargaretO)
- Dee Lisdun
- Veyot
- Blue Raven
Week 5 – 1-7 Feb
- Levi Ewing
- Dee Lisdun
- Aquarius Denimore (aquarius27)
- SaveMe Oh
- Little Effi
- SaveMe Oh
- Blue Raven
- Dee Lisdun
Week 6 – 8-14 Feb
- Levi Ewing
- Eupalinos Ugagin
- Veyot
Week 7 – 15-21 Feb
- Levi Ewing
- Gina Broono
- Dragon Angelus
- Penumbra Carter
- Eupalinos Ugajin
- LittleEffi
- Veyot
- Deelisdun

VB 240 – Diaspora
- 17 January – 26 February, 2021
- Gallery Xue Herculini Crater (GXHC)
- Curated by Xue Faith
- SLEA-2
Imagine an announcement that Second Life is shutting down. You have only a few hours to collect the memories and bits of SL culture that mean the most to you. What do you pack? What do you squeeze into your suitcase to remember the world, the people, and the activities that once were your life in Second Life?
YOU are invited to visit Gallery Xue Herculini Crater (GXHC) @SLEA-2 and pack your suitcase. Walk up the side of the crater wall to GXHC. Here you will find a series of Open Suitcases on pedestals. Claim any empty suitcase. Decorate it with items you would take as you flee from the catastrophe of SL servers shutting down. The items you would take to remember your world that once was.
You can optionally include a notecard giver for a text notecard you might like to share with gallery visitors.
- Agnes Sharple
- Bellibutton Jewell
- Dave (Lord Junibalya)
- Eupalinos Ugajin
- Levi Ewing
- Sca Shilova
- Sheba Blitz
- Veyot
- Xue Faith
- Yeya Zuta

VB 241 – 13 Most Beautiful Avatars
- Sunday 24 January ’21
- Noon – 1pm SLT – Performance
- 1-2pm SLT – Conversation on Beauty, facilitated by Millay Freschi
- Agnes Sharple
- Alamarain
- Andromeda Blaylock
- BabyDoll (IceCubes Hutson)
- Bianca de’Medici
- Blue Raven (Coo Pau)
- Bohny Spad
- Dee Lisdun
- Dreamweaver (Aldar Horsforth)
- Elise Sirnah
- Fenella Allen
- Frankie G. Rotten
- Karen Kondrad
- KeikoAiya
- Levi Ewing
- Little Effi
- Loni Greenheart
- MediciPrincess
- Millay Freschi
- Natasha Szaberwick
- NaturesZen Writer
- Nebulosus Severine
- Raemus Nightfire (Darius Damour)
- Ravensong Merlin
- RM Sirbu
- Sage Nightfire
- Sascha Carvalho
- SaveMe Oh
- Sca Shilova
- Sol Mercury
- Sondra Landar
- Synapse Joubert
- Thorizon Heartsong
- Usher Piers
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Veyot
- Wu Xonfor
- Zinny (ZinobiaNemesis)

VB 242 – SLEA Mosaic
- 4-26 February 2021
- SLEA-2, Deep Waters outside Herculini Crater
- All residents invited to twist a prim (or 10) and add it to the collaborative mosaic
- Organized by Meg
- Alexandre Bohnam
- Aquarius Denimore
- August On The Sound
- Buffy Beale
- Caterina Farella
- Corcosman Voom
- Dave (Lord Junibalya)
- Eupalinos Ugajin
- Fenella Allen
- Levi Ewing
- Meg (MargaretO)
- Nia Voxel
- Nothing (Day Silvercloud)
- Safar Fiertze
- Sarsparilla Blaylock
- Sca Shilova
- Tansee
- Traci Ultsch
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Veyot
- Wizardoz Chrome
- Ze Moo

VB 243 – The Big Chill
- Sunday 7 February 2021
- Noon SLT
- Full Region freeze – 6.5 hectares of ice
- Agnes Sharple
- Alex54 Salamander
- August OnTheSound
- Dido Haas
- Kerstin Warden
- Kristina Ravenhurst
- Little Effi
- Merope Sharple
- Ravensong Merlin
- SaveMe Oh
- Sca Shilova
- Starstruck19
- Tizzy Canucci
- Traci Ultsch
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Wizardoz Chrome
- Yara Eilde
- Ze Moo

VB 244 – February Rezdays Party
- Sunday 14 February 2021
- Noon SLT
- Celebrating Avatars with February Rezdays
- Andromeda Blaylock
- Bear Morgwain
- Izumi Laryukov
- SaveMe Oh
- Sca Shilova
- Trishatar
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Wizardoz Chrome
- Ze Moo

VB 245 – Global Warming
- Sunday 21 February 2021
- Noon SLT
- From Noon to 2pm SLT the water level rises 1meter every 6 minutes:
- Noon: 20m water level – SL default
- 2pm: 40m water level – entire island submerged except for very tip of crater
- Adwehe
- Anja Nebookie
- Barry Byfus
- Bear Morgwain
- Dee Lisdun
- Dido Haas
- Dragon Angelus
- Earth Blaylock
- Equestrian Moon
- Gina Broono
- Izumi Laryukov
- Joyous Destiny
- Kevin Hanson
- Lena Kiopak
- Levi Ewing
- Marissa (Vmpgrl Wonder)
- Meera1988
- Radagast Malaprop
- Ravensong Merlin
- RM Sirbu
- SaveMe Oh
- Sca Shilova
- Starstruck19
- Timo Daehlie
- Traci Ultsch
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Veyot
- Wu Xonfor
- Yeya Zuta
- Ze Moo

Master Participant List
Avatars who participated in 1 or more activities at MUHC at SLEA-2, Jan-Feb 2021:
- Adwehe
- Agnes Sharple
- Alamarain
- Alex54 Salamander
- Alexandre Bohnam
- Andromeda Blaylock
- Anja Nebookie
- Aquarius Denimore
- August On The Sound
- August OnTheSound
- BabyDoll (IceCubes Hutson)
- Barry Byfus
- Bear Morgwain
- Beatrix (MBeatrix)
- Bellibutton Jewell
- Bianca de’Medici
- Blue Raven (Coo Pau)
- Bohny Spad
- Buffy Beale
- Captain Norton Lykin
- Caterina Farella
- Corcosman Voom
- Dave (Lord Junibalya)
- Dee Lisdun
- Dekka Raymaker
- Dido Haas
- Dragon Angelus
- Dreamweaver (Aldar Horsforth)
- Earth Blaylock
- Elise Sirnah
- Equestrian Moon
- Eupalinos Ugajin
- Fenella Allen
- Frankie G. Rotten
- Gina Broono
- Izumi Laryukov
- Joyous Destiny
- Karen Kondrad
- KeikoAiya
- Kerstin Warden
- Kevin Hanson
- Kristina Ravenhurst
- Lena Kiopak
- Levi Ewing
- Little Effi
- Loni Greenheart
- Marissa (Vmpgrl Wonder)
- MediciPrincess
- Meera1988
- Meg (MargaretO)
- Merope Sharple
- Millay Freschi
- Natasha Szaberwick
- NaturesZen Writer
- Nebulosus Severine
- Nia Voxel
- Nothing (Day Silvercloud)
- Penumbra Carter
- Radagast Malaprop
- Raemus Nightfire (Darius Damour)
- Ravensong Merlin
- RM Sirbu
- Safar Fiertze
- Sage Nightfire
- Sarsparilla Blaylock
- Sascha Carvalho
- SaveMe Oh
- Sca Shilova
- Sheba Blitz
- Shiny
- Sol Mercury
- Sondra Landar
- Starstruck19
- Synapse Joubert
- Tansee
- Thorizon Heartsong
- Timo Daehlie
- Tizzy Canucci
- Traci Ultsch
- Trilby Minotaur
- Trill Zapatero
- Trishatar
- Usher Piers
- Vaneeesa Blaylock
- Veyot
- Wizardoz Chrome
- Wu Xonfor
- Xue Faith
- Yara Eilde
- Yeya Zuta
- Ze Moo
- Zinny (ZinobiaNemesis)

thank you so much fo rprovidding th eoppertunity i enyoied it very much levi 20210223
Thank ***you*** Levi! You were amazing! So much wonderful work week after week! Thanks for diving in and participating in such a big way! Good luck in all your future projects (keep me posted!) and, of course, don’t be a stranger! Swing by the coffee shop (now relocated at the Innu region) on Saturday mornings from 10am – Noon SLT.
Stay awesome, Levi!
This was so much fun for me. I never thought I could be part of something like this, but i felt very encouraged. I’m glad I got to do art with you and everyone else, plus made some new friends (hi Levi, Veyot, Doll Amy!) and saw some amazingly creative things other people made and wrote. Thank you Vaneeesa and Izzy!!
I’m so glad you joined us, Effi! And not just because Earth, Andi & Merope needed babysitting! 😛
Your first project had such a compelling narrative to it… and then your last project was so much more minimal and abstract… you really covered a wide range of ideas & styles during the MUHC run! Fantastic!
Now we just need to get some PhotoHunters over at your amzaing Home Installation!!
Congratulations on winning the 2021 Best Neighbor Ever award!!!
This is cool, Van. See you soon.
Thanks, Yordie! As you may have heard… the famous LEA, after a great 10-year run, closed up shop a year or two ago. The new SLEA was launched in January 2021 and I was fortunate to be one of the first Artist Land Grant recipients.
At LEA the land grants were all for 6 months. At SLEA you could choose 1, 2, 3, or 6 months. I’m not sure anyone really needs 6 months… but even if they do… haha… I don’t! 😛 I had a total of 4 full region grants at LEA: Three 6-month grants, and also one 3-month grant. I probably take on too much, but for sure I find 6 months a bit draining. I was happy to be able to apply for a 2-month SLEA grant and lucky to be awarded. I think we were able to do a lot and involve 92 different avatars in 1 or more events in 2 months. Now I get to go home to the sleepy Innu region and rest a bit! 🙂