Building a Treadmill Desk
Treadmill Desks Part 2: Building a Treadmill Desk. Here are many examples of building a treadmill desk from very low cost to mid to high. Home or office.
Treadmill Desks Part 2: Building a Treadmill Desk. Here are many examples of building a treadmill desk from very low cost to mid to high. Home or office.
If you work, play, or learn online, you’re probably sitting an unhealthy number of hours a day. Today: the why of Treadmill Desks; next week: the how.
Soto Hax has scripted Treadmills at Izzy’s Gym to report your activity to your WordPress blog! I met RMarie in Jan & in Sep she brought Soto to an Avatar Hangout. This week Soto made The Quantified Avatar possible!