Baby Andromeda was born on 4 August ’20. Her big sister (meee) was born on 19 June. Remember the “shears” (fancy skissors for cutting hair (but don’t run with them!)) I towed you about yesterday? So mommy, who hates being pregnant, went to the DNA lab again! To make me she took a clipping of Ze’s hair, and to make Andi, she took a clipping of Neeva’s hair while she was sleeping. Isn’t Andwomeeduh pweddy! Me ‘n Andromeda having cheerios and milk in mommy’s bed.Waiting for mommy to feed us. And waiting. And waiting. Mommy and Andi at the pool.Mommy and Andromeda at the beach.Me ‘n Andi having Saturday morning cheerios & milk at mommy’s coffee shop “Vanessa’s Place: coffee + conversation” while mommy schmoozes with her friends.Mommy got a Andi a stroller just like mine!Andromeda sweeps. Isn’t she pretty? I love having a sister. I’m glad mommy’s a maniac with her hair shears! And a pwateenum membership at the DNA wab!