I’ve started a new Flickr group and I hope you’ll contribute!
When you log out of Second Life, your viewer saves a copy of the last thing you see. That’s pretty deep. Like a tiny death. Like a semi-conscious kiss from your lover as you drift off to sleep.
The next time you login, your SL viewer uses that frame as a splash screen to mentally prepare you to wake up into the world as it loads software for you.
If you crash, your viewer doesn’t have a chance to save a screen_last, so when you login you won’t see where you were last, but instead you’ll see where you were the time before last. If you crash over and over, you’ll keep mentally preparing to enter that place you were a while back. Kind of like if you could clone yourself or transfer your mind file to a new consciousness, but you keep forgetting to backup your mind file so you have to relive the same day.
Of course you could compose your last frame. But then it would just be taking a picture which you probably do all the time already. I’ve always loved collecting those random last frames that I didn’t compose. Which isn’t exactly correct either. I don’t tend to compose my last waking moment as a photograph, but there’s usually something I want to do as I leave: maybe an aerial view of the sim, or looking at someone, or looking at myself, or walking away from a group so I don’t abruptly poof out, but can more elegantly depart. Whatever it is, it is literally a “screen_last”
where do i find it?
This new Flickr Group is a place to share your Second Life “screen_last”s. Here in June of 2017, using the current Firestorm viewer on Windows 10, my screen_last is here:
If you use alts, then in the Firestorm_x64 folder will be a folder for each username, and in each folder will be a number of files, including “screen_last”. When you log out, your old screen_last gets overwritten with a new one. But if you copy your screen_last after you log out, or after you login, then you can save it. I collected some of mine in 2011 & 2012, but then I fell out of the habit. And I never made a Flickr Group where we could share them with each other.
Till now!
Pleas join in!
Contribute your screen_last’s!
Live a long and prosperous avatar life!