#3: Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse
#3: Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse

#3: Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse

Landscapes with a Corpse – Documentary Trailer from Chad Fahs on Vimeo.

Izima Kaoru

For 20 years now Japanese fashion photographer Izima Kaoru has been working on his Landscapes with a Corpse photo series. Usually when our time is up, you just go. Not much preparation. Not much presentation. Kaoru not only gives his models the chance to contemplate their own demise, and then stage it wearing Prada or Versace, but he also affords them the luxury of getting up and walking away from the moment.

Izima Kaoru's "Landscapes with a Corpse"

Sakai Maki in Jil Sander

In 2008 Kaoru photographed Sakai Maki’s demise while wearing Jil Sander.

In these 2 frames you see another familiar element of Izima Kaoru’s Landscapes with a Corpse: Point of View. He tends to present about 4 frames of each scene. From a closeup to a full body shot to a room sized view to a very wide view showing mountains, bridges, skylines, and even aerial views of the rooftop where beauty expired.

Izima Kaoru's "Landscapes with a Corpse"

Your Mission, Avatar

Good morning, avatar. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to contemplate the occasion and setting of your own demise. Then pick something extraordinary from your very favorite designer to wear for your departure. Then photograph it. Like Kaoru you can think in terms of 4 images: from a tight headshot, all the way out to a wide landscape panorama.

  • You can optionally write some thoughts about your departure from this world.

  • You can optionally write some thoughts about VR mortality vs RL mortality.

  • Post your images to your Blog, Flickr, etc.

  • Leave a link to your post in the comments below

  • You can optionally add your images to the Challenges 2015 Flickr group

As always, should you or your corpse be caught or captured in your death pose, the Community Manager will disavow any knowledge of Friday Artist Challenge #3: Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse.

Good luck Avatar,

Vanessa Blaylock's signature


  1. Pingback: Challenge #3: Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse | Robenbergsk View

  2. Pingback: Dead Flower in the Sand- Challenge #3 | Ahn & Alex

  3. chericolette

    Im not too late am I?

    I loved this challenge and learning about this artist.
    Thanks so much Vanessa for introduction 🙂

    Truth is…I was reading and searching for his photos I barely got time to take my own. In the end this was practice session and I had other outfits and landscapes in mind, but I was happy how they turned out so here they be.

    CheriColette wear Volstead

      1. Great photos Cheri! Thanks for sharing! Yes, you can really do any challenge at any time. Pay Writer’s been doing an amazing multi-week version of #2 – Role Reversal.

        I have “Markdown” enabled for comments, so in addition to whatever lovely thing you typed to get your URL, you can also do a Markdown link:

        In square brackets, the name of the link, like CheriColette wear Volstead, followed by the url in parenthesis, Like:

        [CheriColette wear Volstead](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pulpfictionstudio/sets/72157650319176402/)
        there’s no line break between “]” and “(“, it only looks that way there because the URL is long so the display shows a new line

        Gives you:
        CheriColette wear Volstead

        Markdown’s also really nice for Bold & Italic, just surround anything with “*” for Italic, or “**” for bold. So:

        *italic* and **bold**

        gives you:

        italic and bold

        Thanks Cheri! Did you see today’s challenge, *The Ecstasy of St. Teresa yet? Could be interesting!

        Have a nice weekend Cheri!

    1. oh, your “angel lost wings” image is sublime.

      PS: there is no “late”!

      Don’t think of it like “School” where your homework is late and you get a poor grade… think of it like World of Warcraft, where you “Level Up” whenever it is that you do.

      You can do any of the challenges any time! 😀

  4. Pingback: Sleeping or Dead? | BloggingSL

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